Friday, October 22, 2010

So much to Learn!

As it has only been a few weeks since my last post I had less to read during that time.  I found the informaiton on Educause was sparce because of the conference.  Much of the emails both between Educause and ITFORUM were localized to just a few arguments so it was interesting to see how my viewpoints fit in with more experienced instructional technology specialist. Here are my thoughts:

·         Interesting to see that even though people are really interested in providing this distance learning, online formats, there is still the ever present trepidation of trust that your employees are working or the person on the other end of the wire is authentic.  I wonder how much better is distance learning really some times when the basic concerns are still not being met.
·         Interesting to learn about these programs that I didn’t know even existed!  Now these programs are expensive and time consuming on some part but still caption software is a very interesting and useful tool in so many applications.  What I find funny in all this though is that, ok I don’t know about these programs but that’s because I am definitely not in the know about some of these areas of interest but my CE friends and husband do not know about them as well and that tells me that there are so many programs out there now that computer engineers can’t even keep up.  Think about it 40 years ago there were maybe 5 if not 10 software programs out there and now there are hundreds, thousands, should I dare to say millions!

·         People are still asking for resources.  Just a thought “man I wish there was a listserv for all my areas of interest!” Wonder if there is a blog for conflict resolution specialists and mediators that would be fantastic
·         Interesting to see that they use the email post for job postings.  It’s nice to get an idea of what one could do once they have finished with their degree.  It makes you feel better about being in school for so long!
·         Still feel lost what are Open Access Journals? So much to learn!
·         I liked the argument about citation analysis kudos to Reeve for speaking up.  I too believe that this type of measurement is only used because it is easy.  Research can impact so many different areas other than if it has been published.  Now I understand what Open Access Journals are!
·         I hate the pressure of publishing.  I know that’s part of the job but when does it become more time consuming to publish then to teach isn’t that why we are here to teach not to publish.  I understand the research I really do but when one starts taking precedent over the other then there needs to be a different system of tenure and promotion.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Heated Debate

My blog this time around will actually be shorter then my previous ones not because I found the information less interesting but because it was very interesting to see the heated debate that ensued on ITFORUM about education and funding.  I found it refreshing to have so many points of view but however found it a little dishearting that so many wonderful minds had an opinion but yet no real world solution that could be set out and used today! 
My thoughts on my Educause readings:
  • More I hear about the conference I really want to sign up for it but I hate that all these conferences are so expensive.  I wonder who is actually able to go to them with the proration happening all over the US right now.
  • Love seeing the new members ask for help and all the great support that is given.  It helps me as I am still just brushing the surface of some of these resources and topics.  I also love how the responses even though many focused on technology most actually focused on teaching techniques and learning processes.  These topics I definitely can relate to.  Finding the connections makes it all the new technology hype out there just seem a little less overwhelming and out of my reach
  • Yeah I did another survey on “Seeking Evidence of Impact” my program is always trying to evaluate our distance learning format with the limited campus time and what we would do to be more effective.  Using this survey not only to start participating in the distance learning higher education administration community it helped me connect the dots with what I learn in class and what I do every day at work
My thoughts on ITFORUM readings:
  • Learned that there is a smart phone app that allows you to see where planes are going in the sky as part of an augmented reality discussion.  Is anyone else weirded out by this?
  • Dumpster Diving for school supplies- comment made about how teachers are using their own $ for supplies.  Our whole education system is a mess!  Personally I have 2 degrees and I make less at a 4 year institution then a science teacher with a bachelor’s degree at one of our area middle schools.  I tend to think we have priorities messed up here.  I furthermore was very inspired that many individuals are thinking along the same thought process as I am and that throwing money at a school is not going to fix the problem and not all the problems are solely the schools fault.
  • It was interesting to learn how America’s school system developed with 8 grades.  I never thought about how our education system began in the sense that someone just decided this is how it will be and it stuck

 Question for the day:  Are we just throwing money at schools?  Is that America's solution to every problem?