Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Just the beginning

My impressions of ITFORUM:

I have received emails pertaining to job posting notices, asking for research tips, and how to find specific articles. I have learned why multitasking is bad and how to effectively use my computer. Seriously this email list has everything. I got to read a great article about 3D television for the naked eye (my husband was very excited) and learn that several people have not yet mastered the art of the "Out of Office Assistant" on Outlook.

Do you know why multitasking is bad, well let me tell you. Apparently when we multitask we use certain brain systems that differ from when we focus task causing us to be less effective when we learn. Now of course I also got to read an opposing argument from someone who thought multitasking and focus tasking were all social conditions and had nothing to do with the neurological psychology. All of this emailing back in forth was a flashback to my earlier college days sitting around a dining table at the Ferg. listening to my husband and his classmates argue over Linux vs. Microsoft or worse why Steve Jobs hates flash.

Have I become smarter by reading all these emails? I could argue I have become smarter by a fraction or so the majority of the time I have no idea what these people are talking about but hey I am getting the impression many of them have no clue either. I was however very excited when someone asked for articles for an introductory instructional technology course they were teaching. Yes, I will be reading those articles here in the near future. I would like to note how excited I was seeing my very own classmate Carmen's name come across the email system, it’s like the first day of class and actually recognizing someone you know!

My impressions of EDUCAUSE

After finally figuring out how to navigate a small portion of Educause's website (this thing is big, very big) I finally found out how to sign up for discussion boards galore! I have registered with their blended and online instruction learning discussion board to see if I can learn anything that might help this Nurse Educator program I seem to be committed too (why is it we always become so attached to our jobs). After surfing through the blogs for the past 2 weeks I have come to the realization that everyone is just overwhelmed and consumed by their Annual conference in CA in October. Much of the conference will be online and there looks to be some very interesting sessions. Maybe I can talk someone into letting me attend online during the working day. On another note what is cloud computing? I keep seeing cloud computing this and cloud computing that all over this website and haven't a clue as to what it is. As you should be able to tell by now I am so very new to much of this technology jargon even with a computer engineer as a husband. All I can tell you is thank god for Wikipedia sometimes because I might completely be lost. Oh if you are still reading and what to know what cloud computing is it has something to do with internet based software and resources. I have a feeling it means that no longer do people need their own in house servers or mainframes they can now outsource all of it to the internet.

Question for the day: Here is a question I keep seeing all over Educause: Is the internet making us dumber?

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